

Euro & Dollar Dashboard



How much is the euro worth?

1 Euro equals null US Dollar

Exchange Rate Calculator/Converter



US Dollar


How much is the dollar worth?

1 US Dollar equals null Euro

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US Dollar




EUR/USD Realtime Quotes

USD/EUR Realtime Quotes

EUR/USD 2001–Present Historical Exchange Rates

USD/EUR 2001–Present Historical Exchange Rates

When did the euro start? History of the euro

The euro came into existence on 1 January 1999, although it had been a goal of the European Union and its predecessors since the 1960s. After tough negotiations, the Maastricht Treaty entered into force in 1993 with the goal of creating an economic and monetary union by 1999 for all EU states except the UK and Denmark. The currency was formed virtually in 1999; notes and coins began to circulate in 2002. It rapidly took over from the former national currencies and slowly expanded behind the rest of the EU. In 2009, the Lisbon Treaty finalised its political authority, the Eurogroup, alongside the European Central Bank.

Source: Wikipedia

What was the highest and lowest rate in history?

Since the euro’s launch on January 1, 1999, it has spent less than two years valued at less than a dollar. The euro peaked on April 22, 2008, with an exchange rate of $1.60.3 High euro-to-dollar exchange rates mean that your dollar could purchase more in the European Union, while a low rate means you would purchase less there.

Source: The Balance

Did you know that 1 Euro was 1 USD once upon a time?

That the euro hit parity with the U.S. dollar for first time since 2002 on 6 July 2022.

What Is the Eurodollar?

Easily confused with the EUR/USD currency pair or euro forex futures, eurodollars have nothing to do with Europe’s single currency that was launched in 1999. Rather, eurodollars are time deposits denominated in U.S. dollars and held in banks outside of the United States. A time deposit is simply an interest-yielding bank deposit with a specified date of maturity.

Since the time deposits are not inside U.S. borders, eurodollars are outside the jurisdiction of the Federal Reserve and subject to a lower level of regulation. Furthermore, since eurodollars are not subject to U.S. banking regulations, the higher level of risk to investors is reflected in higher interest rates.

Source: Investopedia

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